Menşe Şahadetnamesi
19 Ocak 202531 Aralık 2024 Tarihli ve 32769 Sayılı Resmî Gazete 4. Mükerrer
29 Ocak 2025Iceland, Macedonia, Syria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Liechtenstein, Croatia, Israel, Norway, Switzerland, Palestine, Tunisia, Morocco, and unprocessed agricultural products in trade with EU countries.
Explanation: Circulation certificates are documents that indicate the origin of goods. These certificates are required in the trade of agricultural products between Turkey and the European Community, in trade between Turkey and EFTA countries (Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein), and in trade between Turkey and other countries that have signed Free Trade Agreements (Israel, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Bulgaria). Additionally, in the trade of iron and steel products (ECSC – European Coal and Steel Community products) between Turkey and the European Union, a EUR.1 Certificate must be issued.
Benefits of this certificate:;
a: Customs duty exemption
(For specific cases, consult your customs broker)
b: If the materials are re-exported from Turkey to EFTA, the EU, or the countries mentioned above, a new EUR.1 certificate can be issued since the goods are in free circulation.
How to fill out the certificate;
- Exporter’s name and address information
- Buyer’s name and address information
- Country of departure or group of countries
- Destination country or group of countries
- Information on the mode of transport (sea, air, road)
- This section is filled in if necessary:
- If the EUR.1 certificate is issued after the shipment, the phrase “issued retrospectively” is included.
- If the goods have different origins, the origin information is provided.
- Serial number, description of goods in accordance with the invoice and packing list, number of packages
- Gross weight must be stated
- Invoice number, if required
- Customs approval section: If the exporter is an Approved Exporter, the approval number is declared, and the exporter’s visa is applied.
- The section where the exporter or their representative records the date of preparation and applies the stamp and signature.
Approved Exporter
A simplified procedure may be applied under the following conditions:
- Frequently shipping goods that require an A.TR or EUR.1 Circulation Certificate,
- Providing customs authorities with all necessary guarantees to confirm the origin status of goods and compliance with the provisions of this Decision,
- Not having committed serious or repeated offenses related to tax and customs regulations,
- Having records that allow customs authorities to monitor their activities.
Legal and natural persons meeting these conditions may be granted Approved Exporter status, allowing them to issue an invoice declaration regardless of the value of the goods, as specified in Annex V. The Undersecretariat assigns an approval number for customs declaration on the invoice declaration.
The Undersecretariat monitors the use of this authorization by approved exporters. If approved exporters act contrary to the provisions of this Decision or fail to comply with the conditions stipulated in the authorization, their approval may be revoked.